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10 Cubicle Mobile Shower Unit

Farout Showers mobile shower units are delivered and set-up at your event location.
Access to water supply and power is required at the location. 

5 cubicles each side

10 Cubicle Shower Unit

10 x 4 metres including stairs etc.

Usage: Can be used male/female – individual shower and changing cubicles with double curtains.

Water supply: The unit has a built in holding tank which can be serviced with a garden hose.

Hot Water: Heated by LPG gas and supplied by 4 x 45kg gas bottles. Runs at one set temperature.

Grey Water: - Can be hooked into a waste water trap or pumped away.

Power: 240V mains supply or generator. If using a generator, 7KVA required.

Bookings are essential so enquire about our mobile showers today >>